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97 days left until evidence to solve the Hrant Dink murder vanishes into thin air

97 days left until evidence to solve the Hrant Dink murder vanishes into thin air
YAYINLAMA: 16 Nisan 2020 / 00.41
GÜNCELLEME: 16 Nisan 2020 / 00.41
The camera records to solve the crime in Hrant Dink's case had been vanished into thin air.
The camera records to solve the crime in Hrant Dink's case had been vanished into thin air. Phone records to identify the suspects involved are possibly going to be deleted in 97 days.

4 suspects have been observed in the camera records monitoring the crime scene. But the crucial half of the camera records belonging to the bank that faces the crime scene from the corner of the street, had been reported lacking.

The remaining other half suggests that 4 suspects in total were at the crime scene rather than the murderer identifed as O.S. and questioned from day 1, as the sole murderer in the case.


The intervening lawyers asked for the determination of the two other unidentified suspects who are seen to talk on the phone following O.S. when he was running away from he crime scene.

The Court acted on the demand of the lawyers, and requested from the Telecommunications Ministry to disclose the phone numbers and and the phone records of the other suspects seen on the camera records. Yet the identities and involvement of the other suspects still remain a mystery, as the Telecommunications Ministry (TİB) denied the Court's request on the pretext that this would be a "violation of private life" of the suspects.


TİB's (Telecommunications Ministry) obligation to hold the phone records will pass in 97 days.

The Court requested the same records for the second time from TİB. But TİB required certain specific technical details to be provided. Though, the technical data asked by the Ministry was told to be, the very same data that the Court requested from them in the first place. As a result, no further investigation can be followed up in this route as the suspects seen on camera still remain unidentified.

Click to read the technical details

The official duration remaining for TİB to preserve the phone records is 97 days. The phone records hiding the mystery of the Hrant Dink murder run the risk of being deleted entirely in 97 days.


The lawyers of the Dink family asked the Court to launch a new investigation into the suspicion of erasure of the evidence. They had also asked for the investigation of the harddisk on which camera records were written and that the bank reported delivering to the police. TÜBİTAK's (Turkish Scientific and Technical Researches Institution) report read that "There were no data found on the harddisk in question". The lawyers objected to the report on July 29, by stating that "It is impossible for the harddisk obtained from the bank and delivered to the police to contain no data at all. We have suspicions that officials were present on the crime scene. It should be investigated whether the harddisk confiscated by the police and the investigated one are the same or not."

The Court who sent the file to the Prosecution requested the serial numbers and data found on the bill of the harddisks bought by the bank, used to write the security camera records on. The prosecutor to conduct the investigation regarding this demand has been decommissioned and relocated. Three months passed without a response since this last request.
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