Prof. Dr. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan, President of Board of Trustees of Bilgi University, saying Silk Road being a peace history and expressing that ways always bring people together, Arıboğan added:
We know the things how to spilit the people apart but never pondered bringing together. We were not quite fellow-sufferer with friends but enemies always been familiar. Setting up a peace date is mission to all of us and this is important in the name of creating a new world. Civilization was born in the East, and the cradle of civilization is East.”
We know the things how to spilit the people apart but never pondered bringing together. We were not quite fellow-sufferer with friends but enemies always been familiar. Setting up a peace date is mission to all of us and this is important in the name of creating a new world. Civilization was born in the East, and the cradle of civilization is East.”